Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Blog Award

My friend's blog is up for an award and there is a link on her site for you to vote from:

You can vote as often as you like between now and February 3rd at 5 PM EST.

Friday, January 13, 2012


The MacBeth and Miss America campaigns are complete. I am ready to return to blogging. I mentioned how reflecting on my previous posts has helped me grow. Recently, I have downloaded everything I had saved on floppy disks to my cloud when I realized we don't have a floppy drive on our new laptop that we got in August. Obviously, I don't use those files a lot since I just realized it now. Fortunately, I had one at work that made it convenient for me do it. Going those all those file names again brought back a lot of memories, especially those whose names I didn't recognize. I had to open them up to see what it was before it came back to me. I was most surprised by how presumptious I was for such a young professional, so focused on the facts and not as sensitive to people's feelings as I am now. I didn't think that at the time, which made me wonder how I may be perceived now in ways that I am not aware of. I wonder how common an experience that is for other people.