Tuesday, October 29, 1991

First Report

B in Honors Science with Mrs. Brant
B in Social Studies with Mr. Mullen (pleasure in class)
A in Reading with Mrs. Havranek
A in Cadet Band with Ms. K
A in Honors Math with Mr. O'Donnell
A in Honors English with Mr. Klebacha
B in Gym with Ms. Dixon HF
A in Home Ec with Ms. Dittmer MTW (pleasure in class)

Monday, October 28, 1991


So, I'm not gifted enough for public school. I was in ECHO at St. Sebastian, when we would go to Vincentian every once in a while. I car pooled with Michael McBurney. I was in a play as Sherlock Holmes with Jen Avetta, where I asked her out for a pop at the end of the show (as part of my character). Mike got a big kick out of that. Their cut-off was a 120 IQ, whereas GATE was/is 130. We tested me again, but I'm still not smart enough.