Friday, June 5, 1992

Fourth Report

BBBC=B in Honors Science with Mrs. Brant

BBAB=B in Social Studies with Mr. Mullen, who told us it may take a while before our parents notice us acting more mature, so be patient with them

CB=C in Art with Mr. Langer

AAAA=A in Cadet Band with Ms. K

ABAA=A in Honors Math with Mr. O'Donnell, who caught me wasting time in the bathroom during Art

ACBB=B in Honors English with Mr. Klebacha, who also had Sarah Weiss in class. I remember having to pass a stack of books to her

BAAA=A in Gym with Ms. Dixon HF

AB=B in Home Ec with Ms. Dittmer MTW (First Semester)

AC=B in Shop with Mr. Evans MTW (Second Semester), who had a big beard

Tuesday, March 31, 1992

Third Report

BBB in Honors Science with Mrs. Brant
BBA in Social Studies with Mr. Mullen (still a pleasure)
C in Art with Mr. Langer
A in Cadet Band with Ms. K
ABA in Honors Math with Mr. O'Donnell
ACB in Honors English with Mr. Klebacha
A in Gym with Ms. Dixon HF
A in Shop with Mr. Evans MTW

Wednesday, January 15, 1992

Second Report

BB in Honors Science with Mrs. Brant
BB in Social Studies with Mr. Mullen (pleasure in class)
AA in Reading with Mrs. Havranek
AA in Cadet Band with Ms. K (pleasure in class)
AB in Honors Math with Mr. O'Donnell
AC in Honors English with Mr. Klebacha
BA in Gym with Ms. Dixon HF,
AB in Home Ec with Ms. Dittmer MTW