Saturday, January 25, 2014

How Much Love

It's not how much you do, but with how much love you do, I guess there's no benefit to writing anymore toda

Friday, January 10, 2014

New Year's Resolutions

I have a notebook that I go through every January to see what I have kept up with that I wanted to and what I had wanted to do and decided not to (and those other things I wanted to do and just forgot). I schedule enough reminders for myself that there wasn't much forgotten that I had wanted to keep up with. What's disappointing is that I don't have any new long-term goals I want to accomplish. I think I am close to getting my dissertation approved. I finished what I think is a final draft, but I have finished several "final" drafts that came back from my mentor with feedback for changes. I run out of classes in 9 months, so by the end of this year, I will have passed or been kicked out. I don't want to be kicked out and I don't think they want to kick me out either, so hopefully I get approved before the final class, so I can feel that I earned approval and didn't get pushed through as good enough because time was running out. Of course, if I get to that point, I'd take it. Once my dissertation is complete, I'll have to decide how to spend that time whether it is at the end of the year or sooner.

Well, enough wishful thinking. I better get back to work on my presentation, so it is ready to go if the manuscript is accepted.