Friday, July 23, 2010

Parenting Decisions

I thought I knew what kind of parent I wanted to be, in terms of what I would do, but that was based on what I did as a kid or what I saw other kids doing, so the problem is that my kids present me with situations that I have never seen before, which means I sometimes have to decide what to do on the spot. If possible, I delay the decision until I have time to think it over. Then even after having time to relect on what to do or reflecting on what I did, the answer isn't always clear. There are certainly worse ways to have handled it, but that doesn't mean that I handled it the best way possible. How do you know when you have the best possible answer in such unique situations like that? As smart as I think I am sometimes, it's amazing how often I rely on thinking and not enough on prayer, which I know has to go hand in hand with thinking and is often more useful than thinking alone because prayer allows you to pick God's brain and let Him do the thinking. If it's an important decision, a decision that I have my attention focused upon entirely, my subconscious will usually provide with what I am confident God wants me to do, but that answer doesn't always come quickly, or quickly enough before I am distracted, despite my original intentions. Psalm 51 includes the line: "Indeed you love truth in the heart; then in the secret of my heart teach me wisdom." It's hard to let what my heart is telling me overrule what my head is saying because I always want to have the reason why this is the right decision and know how it's going to turn out, but I am getting better at giving up control and following my heart, what God wants me to do, instead of doing what my head may be telling me.

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