Saturday, June 21, 2014


I would like to have a long-term plan for my blog, but my blog tends to go through phases like my journey of faith. At times, I am committed and post regularly like I planned to. Then, for some reason, often a good one, but not always, I fall away until I find a new focus and come back recommitted. My new plan is to take one day at a time during the summer while I can usually attend daily mass and one week at a time during the school year when I can typically only attend mass on the weekends.

I got the idea from Matthew Kelly's "Rediscover Catholicism" and from the missionary priest that visited our parish last weekend. Both asked what was the gospel reading you heard at the last mass you went to? I couldn't remember. It seems most can't, but most still believe that God speaks to us through his Word, so I began to think what would happen at work if my boss told me something and I wasn't paying attention to what he wanted me to do. He'd put me through Hell (in a matter of speaking), which may be I am doing to myself if I am not listening to the way God wants to go.

So now I try to listen more attentively to the readings and figure out what God wants me to take away from the readings. Today's message was that I should fast. Fasting will help me focus on what's important and not be distracted by what's less important like I had been. This way I should get Sunday's message even clearer than usual.

What was the message God last sent you through his Word? That would be something worth commenting on. If you can't remember, see what message is waiting for you the next time you attend Mass.

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