Saturday, January 15, 2011

Divine Guidance

I took a test recently that really seemed to stretch my memory and now that I have had a chance to look up a few of the answers that I made educated guesses or even hunches on, I am amazed at how many I got right. I can't take credit because I didn't have the time to put into studying the material that I usually do because of circumstances outside of my control: I had to pass the test by this date, so a decision could be made in-house without resorting to opening it up to the rest of district or outside of the district, where the superintendent would have more pull than the building principal. Our building runs a lot like a family. We may seem dysfunctional at times, but are all trying to do what is best for the students and each other. It's difficult not to put yourself into teaching and treat it as just another way to get a paycheck. It helps to be surrounded by such a strong support group and not a bunch of seemingly burned out teachers like other districts describe. We even have a men's bible study once a week that explores how scripture relates to our work. I know God wanted me to take this test...I hope that I correctly interpreted that he also wanted me to pass it because I really seemed to outdo myself. Either way, I don't need to know the future, and I am confident that I will do whatever I need to do next, once the results are in one way or another.

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