Thursday, May 19, 2011


"Then there were lightning flashes, rumblings, and peals of thunder, and a great earthquake. It was such a violent earthquake that there has never been one like it since the human race began on earth."
Revelation 16:18
I find it interesting that the Church has me in the middle of Revelations leading up to one's prediction of the end of the world.  Before I looked into it, I thought that no one knows the time and place and anyone who claims to is a false prophet, but the guy predicting it now had already predicted it before in 1994.  He says he made a mathematical error last time, but this time he's sure he got it right.  To save you the time, skipping over the fuzzy math and supposed biblical references, the Rapture is supposed to happen with an Earthquake on the Pacific Rim at 6 PM local time and move across each time zone acordingly.  All the good people will be assumed into heaven (about 200 million or 3% of the population) and the rest will be left behind with worse things to worry about later. 
The point is, if there is one, if we live every day as if it is our last, eventually we are going to be right.  If I knew someone who believed this, I thought it would be a good practical joke to rent a car and disappear for a few days vacation, but alas, no one close to me believes in this, so there's no one to play the practical joke on.

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