Thursday, June 16, 2011

Rotten Catholics

For, as it is written, "Because of you the name of God is reviled among the Gentiles."
-Romans 2:24

In my research, I have compared the Catholic faith to other denominations and religions enough to my satisfaction. The Catholic faith, as defined by the Catechism, seems irrefutable to an open and critical mind compared to the arguments in favor of any of the other denominations or religions. The reason people still try to refute the Catholic faith is because of "Catholics." Some are simply unknowledgeable about the Cathloic faith. Others consciously reject certain beliefs while retaining the title "Catholic." Still others are knowledgeable, but cause the Church to be criticized unfairly because of their personal sins. All Catholics, including the Pope, sin like all people do, but that doesn't mean they approve of those sins or that the Catholic Church approves of those sins. Many reading this are already Catholic, some may even by familiar with the Catechism, but either way, the Catechism is the best place to get the facts on the Catholic faith to support or refute an argument concerning the Catholic faith. Some congregations had set out to read the writings of the fathers of the church, which constitute the foundation of the Catechism, with the intention of illustrating why Catholics are so wrong. Once they got into the readings, the Holy Spirit guided them to the truth and entire congregations joined the Catholic Church. Wherever you are in your journey, I hope you are getting more than this simple blog provides because there's a wealth of information that the Holy Spirit can use to bring you closer to God.

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