Thursday, October 13, 2016

Inservice and Mass

On Monday, we had inservice, I wore my running shoes and only then realized how much grass sticks to them in the morning. The presentation on appropriate actions was haunting in hindsight. I called Lawn Joe at break and found out he doesn't have evening hours anymore, so I'll have to take a day or see if he added weekend hours. After school, the girls had their last hard practice at Hartwood Acres (once I found out how to get to their parking lot). I finished reading and did a little walking (and a little running to the bathroom) before practice ended for them. On Tuesday, I had to cover for Mrs Miller and go to the bank, so I left towards the end of 8th when I was done teaching and got back around 3:00, 10 minutes after the last period (9th). I told Mr. Beck I was coming back to lock up anyway. I was planning to pick Emily and Sarah up from scouts, but Nancy called to have me come home (since I didn't have Emily's car seat). Yesterday was a more routine day. I had a conference with Andrea from Capstone. Mr. Fishell coordinated a super flush to rid of the sewage sitting in the pipes under the school and stinking up the place (not that I could really smell it). The girls had their last run on gravel hill for the year, gearing up for Saturday. I guess that's not a very routine day, but more so than Tuesday. I still got all my prayers in, but I probably should have tried to get Mass in Monday morning in hindsight.

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