Thursday, October 6, 2016


Karen came in the back door of the library this morning while I was working at the computer. I said, "Good morning," without looking up and she said, "Twins." So, I looked up and saw we were wearing the same basic outfit: black pants and maroon top. Then, when she was leaving this afternoon she asked, "So, what are you wearing tomorrow, so we can match again." That was my funny moment of the day, but it doesn't beat Sarah's.

Sarah went to the bathroom before lunch and couldn't get the zipper to her skirt back up. So, she prayed to God, "God, please help me get this zipper up." But it wouldn't go up, so she held it in place and got her jacket to help hide that she was holding it in place. She ate lunch one-handed. She played at recess one-handed. After recess, they had another bathroom break, so she tried again. This time it worked and she said, "Halleluia! My zipper is fixed. Thank you, God." She'd make a good religious (or faithful lay person).

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