Wednesday, March 21, 2012


I realize that not every reader is from PA, but this problem is reflective of the problem nationally.

The problem nationally is that the parties are not united. The social conservative party was generally the Republican Party because the Democratic leaders were pro-choice. A few Democrats were pro-life. Those Democrats won in swing states like Pennsylvania because Pennsylvania is not so liberal that the majority feel that a baby's life is less important than a voter's convenience. The majority of Pennsylvanian's believe in protecting those that cannot protect themselves.

That problem is not as apparent nationally as the divide in the Republican's party is. The obvious differences between Romney and Santorum highlight that the leaders of the Republican Party value money more than family values. However, a significant number of disenfranchised Republicans, who may not have money, but still have family values, support candidates like Santorum. This is quietly coming to a head in the upcoming Senate race where the Republican endorsed candidate, Welch, is a rich, Democratic convert instead of the more conservative Morris, who doesn't have much money. The reason seems to be because Welch can self-finance his campaign and the state Republican committee can devote money towards other races like the Auditor General or Attorney General that could cause problems for the sitting Republican Governor.

The Governor is going to have a difficult time running for reelection as it is . That's because he's cut so much from education that teachers and programs are being cut from K-12 schools and college students aren't getting the money they used to for college. To pay for the raises he gave to himself and staff above the previous Democratic administration, and keep education funding the same, taxes would have to be raised $225 a person. That doesn't seem like a lot to most people, especially if that amount was reduced by his administration's raises and if students got to continue in the programs they love.

It's more difficult to be an informed voter because the side with the money can get the message out more than the side that I support once I learn about them. Nevertheless, I'm going to keep doing what I can as a voter that's in my family's best interest. I imagine if you are the kind of person that reads this, you'll be doing the same if you aren't already.

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