Monday, July 25, 2016


Deacon Steven's homily was about prayer and how God answers with Yes, No, or Not Yet. He emphasized being persistent (because of the Not Yet), which naturally made me think of our kids' education. Rumor has it that the diocesan leaders want to go to a regional system that will break up K-8 into K-4 and 5-8, which was a big reason we liked the Catholic schools more than the public schools. It keeps the junior high kids younger longer, which is a good thing. They are doing this, not to save money, but to serve a future market. Being of the current market, we have to reconsider our new options. I can't create my own charter school without my wife's permission, but we could enroll them in a cyber-charter school and coordinate with other families a way to supervise the kids during the day - even if we pitch in to hire someone with all the money we'll be saving ($3000 per kid). A class of 14 would pay a "teacher" $42,000.

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