Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Cafeteria Catholics

The way we can be sure of our knowledge of Christ is to keep his commandments. The man who claims, “I have known him,” without keeping his commandments, is a liar."
-1 John 2:3-4

Cafeteria Catholics pick and choose what parts of the faith they want to believe. Our faith is based on the Bible and tradition, which is summarized in the Catechism. Protestants only believe in the Bible and not tradition passed down by word of mouth, but even some Protestants conveniently neglect parts of the Bible that they find difficult for them. If you are what you say you are, people should be able to tell by your actions because they speak louder than words. If your actions indicate that you don’t have faith, you have some work to do that God will graciously help you with if you are open to him.

Can you think of anyone in your life that this might apply to?

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