“Likewise, you husbands should live with your wives in understanding, showing honor to [them], since we are joint heirs of the gift of life, so that your prayers may not be hindered.”
-1 Peter 3:7
I don’t know how many husbands read this because the majority of comments left here and on Facebook are by women. Nevertheless, the advice probably went without saying to women back then, who had to show honor to their husbands. Being subject to so much here on earth, their prayers were undoubtedly heard by God just as those less fortunate (of either sex) are heard by God today. So show honor to your spouse if you want God to hear your prayer. For example, since the Penguins were eliminated from the play-offs last night, I shaved my beard, which made my wife very happy. However, I suppose my making my wife happy shouldn’t have been dependent on the Penguins losing in the first place.