Wednesday, August 25, 2010


I love the Word of God, but sometimes actions speak louder than words and today those actions served as my prayer because I struggled to make time to really read any prayers between getting the baby and the five year ready while mom was struggling to bring the three year old home from the doctor because mom was having an episode that required us to head to the ER as soon as they got home and have the kids miss lunch (but got to watch more than the usual amount of TV in the waiting room) to eventually come home when mom was better and take the 5 year old shopping while the younger two slept at home until dinner and then return everything that was due at the library only to have the two older girls get into a fight and cry in the children's section, so we returned what we were going to take out back to the shelves, only to be informed that the DVD we returned wasn't in the case (it was still in the player at home) and would have to be renewed and returned later, which leads up to now trying to get all three of them into their bedtime routines as close as possible despite all the deviations from the rest of today's routines. Amen.

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