Thursday, August 5, 2010

Fountain of salvation

Yesterday, when I was thinking about life-giving water, I was thinking about when it was discussed in the gospels like John 7:37, "If anyone thirsts, let him come to me and drink."

I had forgotten that it was foretold in Isaiah 12:1-6, "With joy you will drink water at the fountain of salvation."

Individually, both of these clearly speak to the spiritual and few would confuse it with literal water. Together, they also point to the fulfillment of the old testament in the new testament and not the replacement of the old with the new. Some truths are eternal, and even though times change, the spirit of truth does not. It does take prayer to and the guidance from the Holy Spirit to see how the truth expressed in biblical times applies in today's context, but it's always applicable, never able to be dismissed. In raising children, the context that they are growing up in is different than the world we grew up and it takes prayer and silence on our part to ask and listen to how the Holy Spirit wants us to answer today's calling for our children. Likewise, the way we applied the truth as single individuals may differ from the way we express it as a married person, but it's the still the same truth that God wants expressed in all walks of life and as our path changes, our expression of His truth should as well.

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